Holy Family Religious Education

Schedule 2014-2015




Wednesday 10th   7:00 - 8:00 PM  Orientation                                                                               

                      Meet & greet the teachers                                                                        

                      Sign up for new Altar Servers                                                                            

                      Sign up for Celebration Singers                                                                         

                      Distribute family handbooks                                                                   

                      Refreshments will be served                                                                    

           7:30 PM       Communal Reconciliation                                                                       


Sunday 14th          10:15 AM  Youth Mass -  Celebration of the Holy Cross                                                                                    

           Hospitality hosted by Confirmation Candidate, families, & sponsors (Jim Daniels)                                                                                       


Sunday 21st          Catechetical Sunday - Blessing of the Catechists                                                                                     


Wednesday 24th   7:00 - 8:00 PM  Class                                                                                

           Grade 9/10 lead closing prayer & song                                                                                                                                         





Wednesday 1st      7:00 - 8:00 PM  Class                                                                                

           Grade 11/12 lead closing prayer & song                                                                                 


Wednesday 8th     Parish Faith Night "100 Year Celebration"                                                                                     

           6:15   -  Dinner provided by CCW                                                                                 

           6:45  -  CelebrationSinger Rehearsal                                                                                     

           7:15  -  Living Rosary with balloons                                                                             

           7:45  -  Benediction                                                                                    


Sunday 12th          9:45 AM Celebration Singers check in with Jen                                                                                       

           10:15 Youth Mass                                                                                       

           Hospitality hosted by families; (Jenny Olson/Marcie Thompson)                                                                                      

                      Barnett, Bennett, Check, Cherney, Chipman, Connors,                                                                         

                      Dregney, Ernstmeyer, Refenacht/Gallagher, Jackson                                                                            


Wednesday 15th   7:00 - 8:00 PM  Class                                                                                

           Grade K/1 lead closing prayer & song                                                                                    

           Grade 12 Confirmation at St. Lukes in Plain                                                                                   


Wednesday 22nd  7:00 - 8:00 PM  Class                                                                                

           Grade 2 lead closing prayer & song                                                                              


Wednesday 29th   7:00 - 8:00 PM  Class                                                                                

           Grade 3/4 lead closing prayer & song                                                                                    




Wednesday 5th     6:30 Celebration Singers Rehearsal                                                                                      

           7:00 - 8:00 Class  "Protecting God's Children"                                                                              

           Grade 5 lead closing prayer & song                                                                              


Sunday 9th  9:45 Celebration Singers check in with Jen                                                                                    

           10:15 Children's Mass                                                                                


Wednesday 12th   7:00 - 8:00 PM  Class                                                                                

           Grade 6 lead closing prayer & song                                                                              


Wednesday 19th   Parish Faith Night                                                                                     

           6:15 PM  Dinner provided by CCW                                                                              

           7:30 PM Thanksgiving mass and prepare for Advent                                                                              


Wednesday 26th   Thanksgiving Break  -  NO CLASS                                                                               




Wednesday 3rd    7:00 -8:00 PM Class                                                                                  

           All grades Communial Pennance                                                                                 

           Grade 7/8 lead closing prayer & song                                                                                    


Wednesday 10th   6:30 PM Celebration Singers Rehearsal                                                                                

           7:00 PM Class                                                                                  

           7:30 PM Christmas Pagent Rehearsal                                                                                   


Sunday 14th          9:45 AM Celebration Singers check in with Jen                                                                                       

           10:15 AM Children's Mass                                                                                   

           Hospitality hosted by families; (Mary Gudenschwager/Betsy Harms)                                                                                

                      Geitz, Gnirk, Gutierrez, Harms, Harrison, Jisa, Gudenschwager,                                                                   

                      Hollay/Barbara, Kreger, Keller                                                                         


Wednesday 17th   7:00 PM Christmas Pagent                                                                                 

           Hospitality hosted by GOF                                                                                  


Wednesday 24th   Merry Christmas - NO CLASS                                                                                      


Wednesday 31st    Happy New Year - NO CLASS                                                                                      




Check your mailbox weekly.  All changes to this schedukle will be placed in your mailbox.                                                                                                


***  Class will resume Wednesday January 7th  ***