Holy Family Faith Formation Handbook



God’s Gift of Forgiveness

Text Box:  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." 
Revelation 22:13


Holy Family Parish Office


Email: holyfamily@mwt.net

Web: lavalleholyfamily.org

Three major goals of faith formation:

1. Invite & enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life

2. Promote and support active membership in Parish community

3. Be disciples of Jesus, sharing the message of Jesus with others.



Goals for Faith Formation for Holy Family Faith Community


1. Follow Diocese of Madison curriculum for Religious Education



2. Stress communication between parents & Holy Family Faith Community



3. Bring a greater understanding of the liturgical seasons and holy days



4. Stress participation and attendance of families to join together with the Faith Community on weekends to ask for and receive God’s blessings for the week ahead.



5. Provide opportunities for service to Holy Family Faith Community (to better understand what is helpful to continue the work of Jesus).



6. Parents and the Faith Community have a unique responsibility for the faith formation of children; they teach by their witness of faith, through their values and attitudes, and by their Christian example of love for Jesus and spreading the Gospel.



Faith Formation classes are open to all children from pre K through grade 12.

Classes are held at Holy Family Church from late September and conclude late April.

Mission Statement: Know, Love, and Serve God


Knowing, Loving, and Serving Others


2014 – 2015 Theme: ‘GOD’S GIFT OF FORGIVENESS’



The success of our religious education program depends heavily upon the spiritual life in your home. Parents are the first image of God that your child experiences. Parents educate their children mainly by example by daily family prayer, family catechesis, participation with other parents, and an interest in the life of the church. We will help with this by offering Parish Faith Nights once per month.



LITURGY OF THE WORD – The official teaching classroom of the church, the practice of participating in Sunday Mass and Holy days cannot be enjoyed at Wednesday class. We need to be present to hear what Jesus is teaching through Readings, Gospel, and Homily and to pray with our parish family.


LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST – We need to be present for Jesus to feed us with His own Body and Blood. Our presence is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and His people of our parish. We are strengthening by one another under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Holy Mass is the greatest gift we have. It is a commandment of God and a precept of the church that we participate in Mass on Saturday or Sunday and required Holy Days. The Catholic Church teaches that to miss Mass through our own fault is an offense against God. (If work is the reason, arrange with your employer to have an evening off for Mass or Sunday morning Mass. If you are away from home, check for Catholic churches in the area.)


CHURCH ENVELOPES – Remember to bring your good deed envelope to church with you. (Students will receive a new box of envelopes from their catechist in November). This is part of our religious training.


We ask that every child sign up for a ministry of his or her choice. There are many different ministries your child can try, some are listed below;

Gospel Procession


Youth Choir



Taking up the Gifts

Sacristy work with Nora


We are the hands of Jesus doing his work here in our Parish of Holy Family.




These nights are an integral part of the whole Faith Formation program therefore; students and their parents are expected to attend. If parents are unable to be present, we suggest they invite a grandparent, Godparent, or friend be with their children. It is always good to have company.

Supper is provided by CCW, we are thankful for their generosity, and we ask adults to register on sheets that will be available.





1st HOLY COMMUNION - Will be received in late May or early June. All students preparing for 1st Holy Communion are expected to participate in the Gospel procession.

COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION – Grades K-12 will receive communal reconciliation.

1ST PRIVATE RECONCILIATION – 4th grade will receive 1st private reconciliation on Holy Thursday.

CONFIRMATION - Preparation starts in grade 9. Students will plan special events that help them bond with their class, their parish, and grow stronger in faith.



6:30 pm Doors Open

7:00 pm Class Begins

7:50 pm Parents are invited to join students in Prayer & Song

8:00 pm Dismissal

Grade K – 4 will remain with the Catechist until a parent or older sibling meets them.

!! Please use caution when entering or exiting parking lot. Our youth are precious and their safety is our #1 concern !!


If it becomes necessary to cancel classes or scheduled programs, please check with the radio stations, the web (lavalleholyfamily.org), We will also be communicating by email or, in case of an electrical failure, by phone. If you have any questions or do not hear the announcement, please contact Nora 985-7915. Class will be cancelled if school has been cancelled.




Faith Formation is very important. The presence of each student at class is vital to their faith formation. We understand that situations arise where it becomes necessary for your child/children to miss class. Should this happen, we ask that you notify us by contacting your child’s catechist or Nora at 985-7915. We will attempt to contact parents to make sure that the children are safe if they are not at class if we are not notified.



Diocesan testing will take place in grades 5, 8, & Confirmation Preparation Class. Testing will be done mid-semester 2. Parents, please encourage our students to do well.


Progress reports will be sent home 2 times per year. Please take some time to review them together with your child(ren). This is an opportunity to come together as a family to talk about your faith and the importance of having God in your lives.


We expect all those involved with religious education to be responsible, show kindness, and respect to one another. We also ask that respect and care be shown to parish property, parish buildings, and everything they contain.

The following will be the consequences of inappropriate behavior:

1st Occurrence: A verbal warning from the catechist.

2nd Occurrence: Time out (5 minutes) sit outside the room.

3rd Occurrence: Fr. Bowens and Nora become involved.

EXPECTATIONS OF THE STUDENTS – Be on time, active listening, cooperation, show interest, desire to learn study and come to lesson prepared.





Phone Number


e-mail address

Fr. Scott Emerson








Mary Gudenschwager

Assistatnt CRE



Tina Williams


Grade K/1

Cell 548-1043


Betsy Harms

Assistant Gr. K/1



Sandra Langbein

Grade 2/CRE



Cell 608-558-0927


Carmen Luther

Grade 3/4

Cell 608-963-0115


Peggy—Chuck Connors

Assistant Gr. 3/4



Shannon Thompson

Grade 5

Cell 415-0928


Konya Antonetti

Assistant Gr. 5

Cell 415-0391


Jenny Olson

Grade 6

Cell 548-6387



Assistant Grade 6



Mary Quigley

Grade 7/8



Deb—Duane Check

Assistant Gr. 7/8



Marcie Thompson

Grade 9/10



Sean Pinten

Assistant Gr. 9/10

Cell 293-1914



Grade 11/12



Jennifer Vosen

Youth Choir


Cell 414-640-5007


Joan Schefske




Carolyn Ernstmeyer


Cell 415-1147